Copywriting in the hospital

Sooo I’m writing this from the hospital right now.

But I’m totally fine. Just here for a routine dermatology appointment.

(I ignored many routine checkups in my early freelance copywriting days, since I couldn’t afford healthcare back then. Making up for it now that I have it, lol.)

And yes, I know! That was 100% a clickbait subject line.

Send your grievances in a reply. Sometimes the biggest hurdle to getting your emails read is just getting readers to open the damn thing. So if you’re reading this now, take note.


It’s been a looong time since I’ve been in a hospital.

And wouldn’t ya know it — the ENTIRE process of going in for a checkup is the worst thing ever.

First you have to print out (yes, print out) and fill in 20 pages of forms.

Then you have to reset your password 100 times on a patient portal that A) never works and B) you’ll never use.

Finally, when you arrive at the hospital, you have to work your way serpentine-style through a labyrinth of halls, lobbies, and people playing sad, somber music on pianos.

It’s insane.

And if you ask me, the system here in the US has a lot of fixing … but that’s a different topic. Lol.

Now … I realize how cheesy this next bit is going to sound, but hear me out.

Navigating the copywriting world as a new copywriter can be just as confusing, scary, weird, and wild.

And at some point in your journey, the background music will be the very same somber piano tunes I heard this morning.

So if you’re relatively new (a few months to about 2 years) what can you do to make it easier on yourself?

I can tell you what I did:

  • Joined other copywriters lists (bingo for you, since you’re on MY list)

  • Saved up and spent a fair chunk of change on the best copywriting courses I could find (you can’t do this with me … yet)

  • Looked for every chance I could to get better at my craft

In my opinion, it’s really about committing to becoming a lifelong learner. Ie, always striving to improve your skills as a copywriter.

If I had to point to any one “mindset” underlying my success as a copywriter so far, it’s this.

And following the list above should help you get in the right frame to be able to do it as well.

Another thing that can help? Signing up for my daily emails here.

David Patrick

Steal This Copy

Daily copywriting emails … that often have NOTHING to do with copywriting.

Harry Potter and the Highly Controversial Dance Scene


How to use “curiosity drivers” just like clickbait on Quora