3 Step Copywriting Method To Double Campaign Sales

I’m sitting at my desk on a rainy, humid summer day when a Slack notification pings.

It’s a client.

And he’s not happy.

“This ad isn’t performing with the copy you wrote. Please adjust accordingly. Here are the metrics.”

He provides a long sheet of CTRs, CVRs, and lead quality data.

As I comb through it, I go through a range of emotions.

Embarrassment. Sadness. Imposter syndrome.

This cycle continues for what feels like months … and each time, I feel the sting of not being a “good enough” copywriter.

This is a common process for copywriters.

And as painful as it is, imposter syndrome will always be with you to some degree.

However, there’s a very simple order of operations (so to speak) that could alleviate most of these problems.

But first, a disclaimer.

I want to remind you that I am a performance copywriter for native advertising and email marketing.

I am not a brand copywriter nor an SEO copywriter.

So everything I focus on in these emails is about improving your conversions.

All of my work gets scrutinized, tested, and optimized.

So with that in mind, here’s the order of operations for optimizing your copy when it fails.

First, focus on CTR (click through rate.)

This is almost like the “pre” optimization.

When I write new copy, I want to get people to click. I do this, typically, by focusing on their biggest problem.

Because without volume and traffic, you won’t know if your offer is even going to work.

Second, focus on CVR (conversion rate.)

This is usually what my clients need AFTER I’ve written copy that sends a horde of leads their way.

They want more conversions.

But it’s a catch-22.

You can optimize at this stage by calling out bonuses, incentivizing the reader with what they get once they click, telling them exactly what to do on the landing page (enter your zip code, put in your email) and much, much more.

But it’s not always up to you. Sometimes it’s up to the client and how strong their funnel is.

This is why I often provide copy suggestions for the landing page I’m sending leads to as well.

Third, focus on quality.

This is the easiest of the bunch. If you’re driving traffic that’s converting for the desired action, you’re really close to a winning campaign.

But there can be one more requirement. And that is the quality of the leads.

Oftentimes, this is as simple as calling out your client’s desired customer attribute in the copy — a certain amount of debt, a specific credit score, or an exact loan amount.

I do all 3 of these things on a near daily basis.

Sometimes you might need to reorganize this structure.

Every once in a while, I have a client with a high CAC (customer acquisition cost) that wants LESS clicks but HIGHER quality leads.

That’s an example of when I’d switch things around. CVR and lead quality first, then CTR.

But CTR > CVR > lead quality is typically my default order of operations for sponsored posts, paid advertising, and emails.

If you want to start getting more leads, I can help.

Just sign up for my emails at www.stealthiscopy.com and reply to my welcome message that you’d like to work together.

David Patrick

Steal This Copy

Daily copywriting emails … that often have NOTHING to do with copywriting.


Never Do This To Your Landing Pages


1 … 2 … 3 … DRAW!